"So the Public May Know"
A Special Report on the National Emergency in the United State of America by Dr. Eugene Schroder
Aquino Urge to Address Ancestral Domain Issue
Let us join the campaign of the President determinate the mission and vision
President Aquino First YouTube Question and Answer on Air
True Conspiracies, The Illuminati and One World Government
KFH Current Events
KFH Letter to President Obama Thru HON. NANCY-ANN DE PARLE And Reply of US President Obama
Letter to H.E. PRES. BARACK OBAMA Thru HON. NANCY-ANN DE PARLE, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy
HON. NANCY-ANN DE PARLE, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Replied Email
Forwarded Message e.g. one world goverment, whitehouse
Urgent Request Sec. Delima and USEC Baraan
Affidavit NBI DOJ Investigation
D.O.J. SEC. Liela De Lima To Commission Of Human Rights
Urgent Call! Conspiracy Letter Request To DOJ. Hon. Sec. Delima
D.F.A. Letter to Iligan City Justice P-Noy
4th Hague Conference October 24, 2011
World Current Events
COMMENTARY Urgently needed Transparency in US.Philippine relations
The One World Government foretold in Bible Prophecy
Transparency International
Dismissed NBI director Gatdula wants TRO on DOJ probe extended
Senator Revoked Corporation
Summary Box.France's Sarkozy calls for Treaty
Palace Erap government struck deal with ABB.
Clinton in Philippines to renew alliance
De Lima courts constitutional crisis to cover up incompetence
Has US learned the lesson of Enron 10 years later
Witness accuses Fortun of bribery.docx maguindanao masacre
China spratley
Mitra given 5 days to comment on petition for his recall as Palawan governor
World Current Events Eurozone Failure Could be Vast Geopolitical Shock
Wall Street Sit
Gospel Ministry
Ministry of Land Reform
Manila Implementation and Empowerment
Table of Contents
Breakfast PTOG INTER-RLGS Faith
Empowerment DOJ
Empowerment NTR F8 Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Empowerment NTR F8 UN
Empowerment President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Empowerment President Obama
Empowerment Supreme Court
Empowerment NAPOCOR Cover Stamped
Empowerment Proclamation DECRTN Cover Stamped
Breakfast PTOG INTER-RLGS Faith